Implementation of the project "Increasing the competitiveness of SOFTSOUND PIOTR RUSAKOWICZ company through expansion to foreign markets" implemented under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland
Task 1
Elaboration new model business -> documents
Task 2
Preparation product to implementations on markets target
Part I Developing a detailed brand strategy for implementation in foreign markets with marketing research -> competitiveness base / announcement cancelled
Part II Preparation of the design and visualization of the recording studio -> documents
Part III Establishing business contacts -> documents
Task 3
Elaboration brand and product promotion tools -> competitiveness base / announcement resolved
Task 4
Participation in international fairs in nature Photopia exhibitors Hamburg (2022 year) -> competitiveness base / announcement resolved
Task 5
Coverage involving acquisition of means permanent in connection with with preparation to internationalization activities -> competitiveness base / announcement resolved
Task 6
Participation in international fairs in nature exhibitors RemaDays Warsaw - Advertising and print (2022) -> documents / announcement resolved